Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
In 1908, Lindelöf showed that if w = f(x) is a bounded holomorphic function in a sector S: |arg z| < θ1, and if f(z) has an asymptotic value w0 as z tends to ∞ along a half-ray in S; then f(z) tends uniformly to w0 as z tends to ∞o within any sector |arg z| ≦ θ, 0 ≦ θ < θ1. Montel (8) later replaced the condition that f(z) be bounded by the condition that f(z) be meromorphic and omitted three values. The following is an immediate consequence of the Lindelöf-Montel theorem.
THEOREM 1. Let w = f(x) be a function meromorphic in the sector | arg z| < θ1, and let f(z) tend to a value w0 as z → ∞ along the positive real axis.