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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Thomson, in his review of the Scandinavian Hymenoptera, recognized four genera of Pemphilidine wasps: Rhopalum, Entomognathus, Lindenius and Crabro, the last of which he divided into a dozen subgenera. Two of these, Coelocrabro and Hoplocrabro, were propounded there as new.
1 Thomson, C. G.: Skandinaviens Hymenoptera. Lund, 1874. 5 vols.
2 Op. cit., III. pp. 256–257.
3 Op. cit., III. pp. 262–264.
4 Cf.: Pate, 1937, Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., no. 9: Blepharipus, p. 14, footnote 33; Coelocrabro, p. 19, footnote 50.
5 Crabro (Solenius?) ferrugineipes Rohwer, Ent. News, XIX, p. 250, (1908); [♂ Pecos, New Mexico].—Crabro (Hoplocrabro) ferrugineipes Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XL, p. 564, (1911); [♂, ♀; Meadow Valley, Mexico].—Solenius(Hypocrabro) imbutus Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LIII, p. 242, (1917).
6 Crabro (Hoplocrabro) novanus Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XL, p. 564, (1911); [♀; Meadow Valley, Mexico]
7 Ferton, Ch. Notes détachées sur l'instinct des Hyménoptères mellifères et ravisseurs, (Ie Serie). Ann. Soc. Ent. France, LXX, pp. 83–148, (1901). [Crabro 4-maculatus F., pp. 113–114; nidification and prey records.]
—Notes détachées sur l'instinct des Hyménoptères mellifères et ravisseurs, (2e Series). Ann. Soc. Ent. France, LXXI, pp. 499–531, (1902). [Cabro 4-maculatus F., p. 518,; additional prey records.]
—Notes détachées sur l'instinct des Hyménoptères mellifères et ravisseurs, (3e Serie). Ann. Soc. Ent. France, LXXIV, pp. 56–104, (1905). [Crabro 4-maculatus F., pp. 71–73; description and figures of larva, pupa and cocoon.]
8 Maneval, H. Notes sur quelques Hyménoptères fouisseurs. Bull. Soc. Ent. France, pp. 29–32, (1928). [Hoplocrabro 4-maculatus F., pp. 29–30; nidification and prey records.]
—Notes sur les Hyménoptères. Ann. Soc. Ent. Franoe, CVIII, pp. 49–108, (1939). [Hoplocrabro 4-maculatus F., pp. 84–86; prey records and discussion of biology; description and figures of mature larva and cocoon.]
9 Adlerz, G. Lefnadsförhallenden och Instinkter inom Familjerna Pompilidae och Sphegidae. K. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl., XLV:12, pp. 6–75, (1910). [Hoplocrabro 4-maculatus F., p. 53; nidification, prey, etc.]
10 Hamm, A. L. & O. W. Richards. The Biology of the British Crabronidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. London, pp. 297–331, (1926. [Hoplocrabro 4-maculatus F., pp. 317, 327–328; nidification and prey.]
11 Verhoeff, C. Biologische Aphorismen uber einige Hymenopteren, Dipteren und Coleopteren. Verh. naturh. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., XLVIII, pp. 1–80, (1891). [Crabo 4-maculatus F., p. 29; nidification and prey.]
12 Goureau, M. Observations détachées pour servir a l'histoire de quelques insectes. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, VIII, pp. 531–556, (1839). [nidification and prey of an unnamed species of Crabro considered by subsequent authors to be 4-maculatus F., pp. 543–545.]
13 Dahlbom, A. G. Hymenoptera Europaea. (1845). [Crabro (Blepharipus) 4-maculatus F.; vol. I, p. 352; prey.]
14 Cf.: Kohl, Ann. K. K. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien, XXIX, p. 219–221, (1915).
15 Kincaid T,. Notes on the Species of Crabro Found in the State of Washington. Ent. News, X, pp. 353–359, (Feb. 1900).
16 In answer to an inquiry about Crabro angelicus, Professor Kincaid states (in litt.)“. … You are correct in your interpretation of the facts. and there is no question the species was based upon a male specimen. Just how the error occurred involving the transposition of the sex signs I cannot say at this late date. I am glad however to know you have run down the discrepancy, and will have an opportunity to make the necessary correction.”
17 This material has not been examined by the writer but has been recorded from the literature for the sake of completeness.