Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Jeger, Michael
Bragard, Claude
Caffier, David
Candresse, Thierry
Chatzivassiliou, Elisavet
Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina
Gilioli, Gianni
Jaques Miret, Josep Anton
MacLeod, Alan
Navajas Navarro, Maria
Niere, Björn
Parnell, Stephen
Potting, Roel
Rafoss, Trond
Rossi, Vittorio
Urek, Gregor
Van Bruggen, Ariena
Van der Werf, Wopke
West, Jonathan
Winter, Stephan
Battisti, Andrea
Kertész, Virág
Aukhojee, Mitesha
Grégoire, Jean‐Claude
Pest categorisation of Gilpinia hercyniae.
EFSA Journal,
Vol. 15,
Issue. 12,