Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Didymus, Faye F.
Fletcher, David
Effects of a cognitive-behavioral intervention on field hockey players’ appraisals of organizational stressors.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise,
Vol. 30,
Issue. ,
Godara, Malvika
Sanchez-Lopez, Alvaro
Liefooghe, Baptist
De Raedt, Rudi
Contextual Changes Influence Attention Flexibility Towards New Goals.
Cognitive Therapy and Research,
Vol. 44,
Issue. 2,
Hiebel, Nina
Rabe, Milena
Maus, Katja
Peusquens, Frank
Radbruch, Lukas
Geiser, Franziska
Resilience in Adult Health Science Revisited—A Narrative Review Synthesis of Process-Oriented Approaches.
Frontiers in Psychology,
Vol. 12,
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Hiebel, Nina
Rabe, Lisa Milena
Maus, Katja
Geiser, Franziska
Gibt es die „resiliente Persönlichkeit“?.
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Vol. 10,
Issue. 2,
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The contextual goal dependent attentional flexibility (CoGoDAF) framework: A new approach to attention bias in depression.
Behaviour Research and Therapy,
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Chambon, Monique
Ridderinkhof, K. Richard
van Harreveld, Frenk
Murre, Jaap M. J.
Krugers, Harm J.
de Wit, Sanne
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Target article
A conceptual framework for the neurobiological study of resilience
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Author response
Advancing empirical resilience research