Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2015
1 The finds were published in Ricerche sul luogo dell’antica Adults (no. 3 of vol. XVIII of Accademia de’ Lincei memorials Monumenti antichi), Rome 1908.
2 Deutsche Aksum-Expedition, Berlin 1913. An account of the various Aksumite numismata is given by Arturo Anzani in Numismatica Axumita in the Rivista Italiana di Numismatica, Rome 1926.
3 Storia d’Etiopia I, Milan 1928.
4 Essai sur l’histoire antique d’Abyssinie, Brussels 1926 ; and vol. I of La Mer Rouge, l’Abysstnie et l’Arabie depuis l’Antiquité, tome xvi of the Mémoires de la Société Royale de Géographie d’Egypte, Cairo 1929.
* We have submitted the transcription to Professor Sidney Smith, Keeper of the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum, who translates it : ‘ (A man called) Hidhab-El (or the like), the son of El-mati‘, has dedicated (this object) to Dhat Himyam ’. He adds that ‘ some authorities do not regard mati here as a participle, but take it as a perfect and vocalise accordingly—wrongly as I think. They also say that Dhat Himyam is a solar goddess and means ‘ the lady of incandescence ’ or the like. I prefer the old view that Himyam must be a place-name ’. We wish to thank Professor Sidney Smith for his help in this matter. ED.
5 Littmann, op. cit. no. 35.
6 Some can be seen in Asmara Museum.
7 According to Conti Rossini, op. cit.
8 op. cit.
9 Littmann, op. cit. no. 34.
10 See Anzani, op. cit.