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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2015
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This book explores how medieval and modern Muslim religious scholars ('ulamā') interpret gender roles in Qur'ānic verses on legal testimony, marriage, and human creation. Citing these verses, medieval scholars developed increasingly complex laws and interpretations upholding a male-dominated gender hierarchy; aspects of their interpretations influence religious norms and state laws in Muslim-majority countries today, yet other aspects have been discarded entirely. Karen Bauer traces the evolution of their interpretations, showing how they have been adopted, adapted, rejected, or replaced over time, by comparing the Qur'ān with a wide range of Qur'ānic commentaries and interviews with prominent religious scholars from Iran and Syria. At times, tradition is modified in unexpected ways: learned women argue against gender equality, or Grand Ayatollahs reject sayings of the Prophet, citing science instead. This innovative and engaging study highlights the effects of social and intellectual contexts on the formation of tradition, and on modern responses to it.


Runner-up, 2016 British–Kuwait Friendship Society Book Prize


'This book is a must-read for anyone trying to understand how and why gender hierarchy became intrinsic to Muslim religious tradition and the challenge that the idea of equality presents to the tradition. Karen Bauer takes us on an exciting journey through the medieval and contemporary exegesis of the Qurʾānic verses on which gender hierarchy is based. In a rich discussion, she not only reveals the influence of unspoken assumptions and the socio-political context - norms and practices - but also points us to the shift toward gender egalitarianism that is emerging today.'

Ziba Mir-Hosseini - Professorial Associate, Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Law and founding member of Musawah: For Justice and Equality in the Muslim Family

'Karen Bauer’s rigorous and perceptive study will prove valuable to those interested not only in gender relations but also in exegetical principles. Through the examination of both classical and modern perspectives and by enhancing textual studies with interviews of learned men and women, Gender Hierarchy in the Qurʾān vividly illuminates the processes of scriptural interpretation as they have been impacted by social and political factors through the ages. This book’s provocative insights will serve to stimulate future studies of Muslim exegetical practice as well as gender roles in Islam.'

Andrew Rippin - University of Victoria, Canada

'Rather than casting traditional tafsīr aside categorically as the product of a misogynistic reading of the Qurʾān, this work takes a serious look at the variety of positions espoused regarding women and their rights in the history of Qurʾānic exegesis, endeavoring to understand them in their context, with attention to the history of the various genres in which interpretation of the Qurʾān is embedded as well as to the intellectual commitments of the authors. It examines a wide variety of commentators, covering various legal and theological schools and ranging from medieval to contemporary times, which allows the author to identify and highlight historical trends, particularly major shifts that occurred with the advent of the modern period. The result is an edifying and engaging study that avoids the curt dismissals, dogmatic high-handedness, and constructive theologies of other works on the topic.'

Devin Stewart - Emory University, Atlanta

'… this book is a very good addition to the existing literature on gender studies. It provides a valuable and in-depth treatment of gender hierarchy in the Qur’ān. The [breadth] of classical and modern scholarly works surveyed in this book as well as the presentation of Sunni and Sh’ah views show the extensive effort made by Bauer to produce this book.'

Shahrul Hussain Source: The Muslim World Book Review

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Interview Subjects Cited

Dr ʿAlasvand, Fariba, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 8 June 2011. Follow up email correspondence 10 June 2014. Interview and follow-up correspondence conducted in Arabic.
Ayāzī, Sayyid Muḥammad ʿAlī, wa'l-Muslimīn, Ḥujjat al-Islam, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 29 May 2011. Interview conducted in Persian with the assistance of a translator.
al-Būṭī, Muḥammad Saʿīd Ramaḍān, Personal Interview, Damascus, Syria, September 2004. Interview conducted in Arabic.
Damad, Ayatollah Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh, Personal Interview, Tehran, Iran, 23 June 2011. Interview conducted in Arabic and English.
Grand Gerami, Ayatollah Muhammad ʿAli, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 14 June 2011. Interview conducted in Arabic. Follow-up correspondence (with his student) conducted in English, 8 July 2014.
Ghazizadeh, Mr Muhammad, wa'l-Muslimīn, Ḥujjat al-Islām, Qom, Iran, 5 June 2011. Interview conducted in Persian, with translator.
Dr Ghorbannia, Naser, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 29 May 2011. Interview conducted in English.
al-Habash, Hudā, series of personal interviews, Damascus, Syria, 2004. Interviews conducted in Arabic.
al-Ḥabash, Muḥammad, Personal Interview, Damascus, Syria, 22 August 2004. Interview conducted in English.
Dr Kamilan, Mohammad Sadegh, wa'l-Muslimīn, Ḥujjat al-Islām, Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Law, Mofid University, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 30 May 2011. Interview conducted in Persian, with translator.
Dr Meghdadi, Mohammad Mahdi, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 8 June 2011. Interview conducted in Persian, with translator.
Mr Mehrizi, Mehdi, wa'l-Muslimīn, Ḥujjat al-Islām, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 9 June 2011. Interview conducted in Arabic.
Dr Rahaei, Saeid, wa'l-Muslimīn, Ḥujjat al-Islām, Personal Interview, Mofid University, Qom, Iran, 7 June 2011. Interview conducted in Persian, with translator.
Grand Saanei, Ayatollah Yusuf (Yūsuf Ṣāneʿī), Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 13 June 2011. Interview conducted in Arabic. Follow-up correspondence with his student, 1 July 2014.
Grand Shirazi, Ayatollah Makarim (Mākārim Shīrāzī), Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 25 June 2011. Interview conducted in Arabic.
Dr Zahiri, Masoumeh (Zahīrī), Personal Interview, Jamat-e-Zahra, Qom, Iran, 31 May 2011. Interview conducted in Arabic.
Mr Nejad, Zibaei, wa'l-Muslimīn, Ḥujjat al-Islām, Personal Interview, Qom, Iran, 28 May 2011. Interview conducted in Persian, with translator. Follow-up correspondence 26 June 2014.

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