'… a valuable and unique contribution to Conrad scholarship … Recommended’
J. G. Peters
Source: Choice
‘a convincing and original perspective … reverses the meaning of literary marginality as we know it today’
Tania Zulli
Source: The Cambridge Quarterly
‘This is a bold and imaginative book’
Kim Salmons
Source: Modern Fiction Studies
‘an impressive series of critical firsts’
Nic Panagopoulos
Source: English Studies
‘a thoroughly diverting book’
Hugh Epstein
Source: The Conradian
‘Warodell points to a goldmine of descriptive detail in Conrad’
Beci Carver
Source: English
‘Conrad’s Decentred Fiction reaches those parts other studies cannot reach, and Warodell observes things about Conrad’s work that no critic has observed before’
Nic Panagopoulos
Source: Joseph Conrad Today
‘like no other book of Conrad criticism … a cabinet of curiosities: a collection of details that Conradians have consistently overlooked’
Yael Levin
Source: Journal of Modern Literature
‘Warodell’s text is an invaluable and innovative addition not only to Conrad studies, but also to the fields of digital humanities, archival research, analytic philosophy, and other literary theories and close-readings.’
John Attridge
Source: The Modernist Review
‘… a joyful book … Warodell is exhorting us to delight in what we might otherwise ignore, to look at the page and then to look at it again. In a writer as great as Conrad, that activity always garners worthwhile new discoveries - as Warodell has beautifully shown.’
Debra Romanick Baldwin
Source: The Polish Review