‘Partnerships between academics and practitioners can generate essential knowledge and can strengthen both academia and civil society. But few understand how to get them started. Adam Seth Levine uses his own extensive experience and rigorous research to reveal practical insights about how to launch and sustain such partnerships. All researchers who seek to collaborate with communities and organizations need his ideas, which should also influence how we think more generally about forming relationships in a democracy.’
Peter Levine - Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University
‘This is a must-read for every researcher hoping to do collaborative research. Along with the latest textbooks on statistics and programming, Collaborate Now! will become a key part of the methods section of every researcher’s personal library. It will serve as a handbook that researchers can turn to again and again.’
Daniel M. Butler - Professor of Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis
‘Adam Levine compellingly unpacks the nuance and science of collaborative relationships in this wonderful new book. A rare combination of clear, accessible writing and rich analysis, this book comes at a critical time. It should be essential reading for anyone working to spur diverse actors to overcome hesitancy to reach out across ‘lines of difference’ and engage in collective problem-solving.’
Angela Bednarek - Director, Evidence Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and co-founder of the Transforming Evidence Funders Network
‘The only way to address the plethora of wicked problems confronting society is through robust collaborations bringing together insights and skills from diverse perspectives, expertise, and lived experience. In Collaborate Now!, Adam Seth Levine provides us with practical guidance on how to get started building partnerships to implement effective solutions.’
Arlene S. Bierman - MD MS, General Internist, Geriatrician, Epidemiologist, and Health Services Researcher
‘In an environment that has become both increasingly siloed and interdependent, Adam Levine is a pioneer in finding new ways of bringing together researchers studying complex problems with those on the front lines of solving them. While it is increasingly apparent that the future depends on more effective collaboration, overcoming the significant barriers to creating meaningful collaborative relationships is its own complex problem - one that requires both scholarship and real-world experimentation to address. Levine brings fresh perspective rooted in research and experience to illuminate the path.’
Elizabeth G. Christopherson - President and Chief Executive Officer, Rita Allen Foundation