Let {Yn | n=1,2,…} be a stochastic process and M a positive real number. Define the time of ruin by T = inf{n | Yn > M} (T = +∞ if Yn ≤ M for n=1,2,…). We are interested in the ruin probabilities for large M. Define the family of measures {PM | M > 0} by PM(B) = P(T/M ∊ B) for B ∊ ℬ (ℬ = Borel sets of ℝ). We prove that for a wide class of processes {Yn}, the family {PM} satisfies a large deviations principle. The rate function will correspond to the approximation P(T/M ≈ x) ≈ P(Y⌈xM⌉/M ≈ 1) for x > 0. We apply the result to a simulation problem.