Graham Higman proved that a finitely generated group can be embedded in a finitely presented group if and only if it has a recursively enumerable set of defining relations. The analogue for lattice-ordered groups is considered here. Clearly, the finitely generated lattice-ordered groups that can be $\ell$-embedded in finitely presented lattice-ordered groups must have recursively enumerable sets of defining relations. The converse direction is proved for a special class of lattice-ordered groups.
THEOREM. Every finitely generated Abelian lattice-ordered group that has finite rank and a recursively enumerable set of defining relations can be$\ell$-embedded in a finitely presented lattice-ordered group.
If $\xi$ is a real number, let $D(\xi)$ be the Abelian rank 2 group $\Z^2$ with order $(m,n)>0$ if and only if $m+n\xi>0$.
COROLLARY. $D(\xi)$can be$\ell$-embedded in a finitely presented lattice-ordered group if and only if$\xi$is a recursive real number.
Thus an algebraic characterisation of recursive real numbers is obtained. In particular, $\pi$ is ‘$\ell$-algebraic’ in that it can be captured by finitely many relations in this language.