Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
Research during the past several decades on jointed goatgrass management has focused on individual cultural practices rather than on multi- or interdisciplinary components. Field studies were conducted at Hays, KS, from 1997 to 2003 to evaluate the interaction of crop rotation, fallow weed management, and winter wheat variety on jointed goatgrass density. Extending a wheat–fallow (W–F) rotation to include grain sorghum or grain sorghum and sunflower reduced jointed goatgrass populations more than other cultural practices tested. Fallow treatments were equal in most years, but mechanical fallow resulted in increased jointed goatgrass emergence compared with chemical fallow under drought conditions. Winter wheat cultivars had little effect on jointed goatgrass populations. However, taller, more competitive varieties are favorable for jointed goatgrass control in an integrated management program. No specific combination of crop rotation, fallow weed management, and wheat variety consistently reduced jointed goatgrass density more than other combinations during multiple years.