The editors of The Review of Politics thank the following individuals for their expert assistance in evaluating manuscripts for publication. They have freely served not only the journal, but also the authors and the academy more generally, without recognition or recompense.
We also appreciate the contribution of those who, although unable to review a particular manuscript, suggest names of other experts. That is also a valuable service.
Members of the editorial board also regularly review for the journal, and we thank them too.
Peter Adamson
Sharifah Alatas
Lucas Angioni
Stephen Angle
Alec Arellano
Barbara Arneil
Robert Ballingall
Sotirios Barber
Daniela Barberis
Charles Barbour
Charles Barzun
Victor Bianchini
Mathis Bitton
Adrian Blau
Robert Bolton
Kaveh Boveiri
Leah Bradshaw
Daniela Cammack
Chris Campbell
Faviola Castro
Danielle Charette
Frances Chiu
Jeffrey Church
Andrea Ciliotta-Rubery
Susan Collins
Gregory Conti
Harriss Cooper
Michael Coppedge
André Luiz Cruz Sousa
Stephen Dale
Steffan Davies
Michael Desch
Francesco Di Iorio
Keith Dougherty
Michael Drolet
Laurent Dubuzinski
Loubna El Amine
Kevin Elliott
Michael Elliott
Luc Foisneau
Jeremy Fortier
Michael Freeden
Giunia Gatta
Paul Goldin
Rob Goodman
Alex Gourevitch
Paul Gowder
Edward Hall
Ryan Hanley
Eirik Harris
Gail Hart
Matthew Hartman
Montserrat Herrero
Lisa Hill
Timothy Hinton
Nancy Hirschmann
Gordon Hull
Eileen Hunt
George Israel
Pamela Jensen
Tao Jiang
Boleslaw Kabala
Alan Kahan
Philip Kain
Evan Keeling
Tae-Yeoun Keum
John Kiess
Rebecca Kingston
Rita Koganzon
Douglas Kries
Robert Lamb
Matthew Landauer
Melissa Lane
Harvey Lederman
Daniel Lee
Zhuoyao Li
John Lombardini
Diego Lucci
Julia Lupton
Javed Majeed
Matthew Mancini
Roxanne Marcotte
John Marshall
Erik Matson
Kathleen Merrow
John Meyer
Dale Miller
Prieto Moises
Peter Moody
Christopher Moore
Alessandro Mulieri
Thomas Mulligan
Michael Munger
Michael Nance
Shaun O'Dwyer
Ian O'Flynn
Ned O'Gorman
Alexandra Oprea
Thomas Osborne
Leslie Pace
Mitchell Parks
Timothy Parrish
Kontos Pavlos
Tacuma Peters
Cesare Pinelli
Emma Planinc
David Polansky
Jeremy Pope
Mark Ralkowski
Buket Raptis
Dafydd Rees
Rosamond Rhodes
Russell Rockwell
Elliott Rossiter
Paul Sagar
Arlene Saxonhouse
David Schenker
Henrique Schneider
Jonathan Schwartz
Caroline Sherman
Sid Simpson
Craig Smith
Nicholas Smith
Steven Smith
Troy Smith
Mehmet Soyer
Mark Spencer
Peter Stacey
Timothy Stanton
Damien Storey
Tim Stuart-Buttle
Kathleen Sullivan
Lucas Swain
Sor-hoon Tan
David Teegarden
David Temin
Mathias Thaler
William Tilleczek
Roy Tsao
Dorota Tymura
Julian Waller
Pei Wang
John Warner
Kevin Wichowski-Hill
Brianne Wolf
Fabio Wolkenstein
Robert Wyllie
Bernard Yack
Catherine Zuckert
Federico Zuolo