No CrossRef data available.
06–451Baquedano-López, Patricia (U California, Berkeley, USA;, Jorge L. Solís & Shlomy Kattan, Adaptation: The language of classroom learning. Linguistics and Education (Elsevier) 16.1 (2005), 1–26.
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06–458Gullberg, Marianne (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands;, Handling discourse: Gestures, reference tracking, and communication strategies in early L2. Language Learning (Blackwell) 56.1 (2006), 155–196.
06–459Hickmann, Maya (U René Descartes Paris 5, France) & Henriette Hendriks, Static and dynamic location in French and in English. First Language (Sage) 26.1 (2006), 103–135.
06–460Hohlfeld, Annette (U Complutense, Spain;, Accessing grammatical gender in German: The impact of gender-marking regularities. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge University Press) 27.2 (2006), 127–142.
06–461Howard, Martin (U College, Cork, Ireland;, Isabelle Lemée & Vera Regan, The L2 acquisition of a phonological variable: The case of /l/deletion in French. Journal of French Language Studies (Cambridge University Press) 16.1 (2006), 1–24.
06–462Huong, Le Pham Hoai (Hue U of Foreign Languages, Vietnam;, Learning vocabulary in group work in Vietnam. RELC Journal (Sage) 37.1 (2006), 105–121.
06–463Jie, Li (Chinese U Hong Kong, China; & Qin Xiaoqing, Language learning styles and learning strategies of tertiary-level English learners in China. RELC Journal (Sage) 37.1 (2006), 67–90.
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06–467Leong, Che Kan (U Saskatchewan, Canada;, Kit Tai Hau, Pui Wan Cheng & Li Hai Tan, Exploring two-wave reciprocal-structural relations among orthographic knowledge, phonological sensitivity, and reading and spelling of English words by Chinese students. Journal of Educational Psychology (American Psychological Association) 97.4 (2005), 591–600.
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06–473Treiman, Rebecca (Washington U, USA;, Brett Kessler & Tatiana Cury Pollo, Learning about the letter name subset of the vocabulary: Evidence from US and Brazilian pre-schoolers. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge University Press) 27.2 (2006), 211–227.
06–474Vandergrift, Larry (U Ottawa, Canada;, Second language listening: Listening ability or language proficiency?The Modern Language Journal (Blackwell) 90.1 (2006), 6–18.