It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to dedicate this work to my friend and teacher Professor H. W. F. Saggs in recognition of his encouragement and many kindnesses.
Only six brick inscriptions and six cylinder inscriptions of the Neo-Babylonian king Nabopolassar are known. The cylinder inscriptions are listed below in the hypothetical chronological order suggested by P. R. Berger, Die neubabylonischen Königsinschriften (AOAT 4/1, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1973), and lettered A to F for convenience. Berger's numbering is given and also that of S. Langdon, Die neubabylonischen Königsinschriften (VAB 4, Leipzig, 1912).
A. Rebuilding of E-PA-DÙN-ti-la, temple of Ninurta, Babylon (Berger, no. I, 2; Langdon, no. 4).
B. Repairs to Imgur-Enlil, Babylon (Berger, no. I, 1; not in Langdon).
C. Building of Nēmetti-Enlil, Babylon (Berger, no. II, 3; not in Langdon).
D. Building of E-edina, Sippar (Berger, no. II, 2; Langdon, no. 3).
E. Building on Euphrates at Sippar (Berger, no. II, 1; Langdon, no. 2).
F. Rebuilding of E-temen-an-ki, Babylon (Berger, no. III, 1; Langdon, no. 1).
Mention is made by Berger of four copies (Bab. 29363, 36495 and 41860 and BM 26263) of B, the cylinder inscription concerning Nabopolassar's repairs to Imgur-Enlil, the inner wall of Babylon. The only publication of any of these so far is a translation in Koldewey/Delitzsch, Das wiedererstehende Babylon, 4th edn. (1925), 132 (details in Berger, p. 135).